May 10Liked by Jeremy Slayden

Super gay! Call that out. The prophets would. The prophets did. Good job.

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May 10·edited May 10Author

Boom! Thanks friend

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Jun 1Liked by Jeremy Slayden

Matthew and I just watched this. We enjoyed it and thought it was great!!!! Thanks Jeremy!

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May 10Liked by Jeremy Slayden

We pray for you Jeremy To do the right thing. You are Courageous! I enjoy your sub stack!

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May 10Liked by Jeremy Slayden

Great stuff

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Just the idea that a drug could fix the spiritual condition of the Church. You believe in a universal atonement and that God loves everyone. You have a mayonnaise jar of "Grace" you smear on everything. Your theology is completely corrupt if you are an Evangelical. You need to repent and get back to obedience to the LAW (minus the ritual part already fulfilled in the spring feasts). So do you think the Apostle Paul forsook the dietary restrictions and the RULES for living he had been taught? Here were I live the patriot groups are all run by women. They believe in the Patriarchy or say they do but I never see their husbands! I am told by one gatekeeper it is because they are "busy". Yes but what about the retired ones.

You probably pledge allegiance to the flag of the East India Company and put your hand over your heart. You notice the true southerner holds the Flag of St. Andrew close to his breast.

You have misidentified who is a Jew. The "Jews" are the sons of Esau. The Christians including YOU are most likely sons of Jacob and heirs of the promise. I am NOT A RACIST. I am a realist. This is called the Anglo Israelite message. If you are going to bash Jews at least figure out who they are and stop identifying them with God's people. Judeo-Christianity is a heresy. Jesus cursed the fig tree (1948). It is defamatory. Jesus was nost a Jew. The Jews were not of the tribe of Judah neither were they Israelites. Modern Jews are not Semites. There is only one Covenant and it is not "New" only "renewed". Protestantism was a still born revival of the ancient Covenant to Israel. Europeans ARE the 10 lost tribes migrated from Assyria in 721-724 BC. They are Caucasians because they crossed the Caucasus Mountains. Martin Luther was aware of the Jews treachery. "The Jews and their lies". The Kenite Pharisees followed us after gathering in Antioch where they called us in derision "Christians". They convinced the Kagan to adopt "Judaism". Then they got chased out and became the Marrano Jews of Spain. Some stayed in the Ukraine and drove the Kiev Russ crazy. The Kiev Russ Cossack were a police force to curtail their chicanery. The murder and maiming of little Children proves "you shall know them by their fruits. It is the great NOTICING. What more proof do you need? Many are called but FEW ARE chosen. Edomite )ews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860. Encyclopedia Judaica 1971. "EDOM IS IN MODERN )EWRY." The )ewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41. * Who is Esau? https://archive.org/details/weisman-charles-a.-who-is-esau-edom. The problem of Gal. 3:28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3p2qwJ4Bho&list=WL&index=2 Forget the Pastors and Christian leaders. They are misdirected derelicts from their youth and days at seminary and Bible College. No Elders under 40 and no teachers under 30 years of age. They teach a watered down simplistic "Gospel" that is irrelevant to the entirety of the bible and its message. What about the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM? No we just need to get them out of hellfire. These are children after all. Get on board with the Anglo-Israelite message. We are small but growing in number. Seminary teaches "an interpretation of the Bible" it does not teach the Bible. This means they are SPIRITUALIZING.

I suspect you are an advocate of the John 3:16 cult that KNOWS they are saved. They have had a personal peak into the lambs book of life because they are so arrogantly "special".


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I believe the incident the two men on this broadcast are discussing is important. It shows the Lord exposing the nakedness of wicked religious men.

A lot takes place before this line is crossed with the Lord. Jesus speaks of the shame of nakedness being exposed unless the steps He outlines are completed. See Revelation 3:18. Nahum 3:4-6 reveal the sexual iniquity God exposed with Nineveh. This point should be considered with those being exposed, as in John Lindell, who was the chief one responsible for the sexual show at the so-called "Christian men's conference".

This reveals John Lindell is very comfortable with the out of place use of sexual innuendo at the men's show. His behind the scenes antics are creeping up on stage with him in his religious performances. He did not realize how far he is sunk in sin himself. God lets it be seen to the world.

God is to be loved and respected. God will not be sneered/mocked at. He wants to make it clear to everyone that these phonies do not represent Him nor His high and lifted up Son Jesus Christ.

Secondly, just think if everyone that heard this recording started talking like the guest with all the fleshly inappropriate speech. Would that not be a shame? I would rather have people following a godly example of sound speech, edifying words, filled with grace to the use of edifying. If a person can not control their tongue, their religion/thrēskeia is useless, as James wrote. But a person who can control their speech is mature in Christ led by the Holy Spirit. Every idle word is scrutinized by the Lord and it is high time to speak and do aright, especially if one is to say they serve Jesus Christ.

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Great interview , jeremy are you familiar with pastor Robby Gallaty , ( long hollow baptist ) close to you in suburbs of Nashville ? He is going through book of Revelation and yesterday he spoke on the Rapture and he has changed his position , no longer pre trib . I thought “ I wonder if he’s been following JSlay ! Ha! Worth the listen to his sermon from yesterday , uses scripture to back up why he changed . Keep it brother God bless .

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